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Once a year, Mathias Corvinus Collegium Foundation invites applications for the Modul University Vienna Scholarship, whereby MCC will provide the successful applicant with a scholarship to study a course at Modul University Vienna.

What does this scholarship cover?

Once a year, MCC offers scholarships to the successful applicants to follow a course of study at the institution.

Modul University welcomes applications from students who wish to continue their studies in an inspiring and thriving student community. With 5 different levels of study, students can gain a wide range of professional skills.

Learn about MODUL University and the admission requirements:

Why is it worth taking up to 1 semester at MODUL University?

  • You can join a range of professional student clubs and programs.
  • Vienna also offers plenty of green spaces for sports and other hobbies.
  • The University offers a variety of accommodation options in all parts of the city, giving you the opportunity to develop close contacts with students from other universities.

Application Deadline: August 18, 2023

 Registration is also open to non-MCC applicants.