I will spend my research year as a research assistant at the Migration Research Institute under the mentorship of Szabolcs Janik, Deputy Director. I graduated from the National University of Public Service, Faculty of Military Sciences and Officer Training, where I obtained a Bachelor’s degree in International Security and Defense Policy. I graduated Summa Cum Laude in 2021. My BA thesis topics were the Russian expansion in Africa and the use of private armies and hybrid warfare. I also graduated from the School of Social Sciences at Mathias Corvinus Collegium in 2021. Previously, as an MCC Fellow, I also spent more than three months as a Visiting Fellow at the Warsaw Institute in Poland, but I have also worked for Mandiner.hu as a foreign policy journalist and correspondent. Currently, I work as a foreign policy journalist at Neokohn.hu. In 2020, I won the first prize at the Institutional Students' Scientific Conference, which allowed me to compete in the national final in 2021, where I won a special prize for my research. Between January 2020 and February 2021, I also served as Vice President of the NUPS College for Advanced Security Studies, first as a trustee, but later elected by the members.